Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na5P3O10, that is largely used as a component for the production of synthetic detergents, water treatment, ceramics, paint, varnish, and also in various other industries. The use of STPP in detergents reduces the formation of lumps and maintains desired flow rate. The Sodium Salt of Triphosphoric acid is a colorless salt and exists in two forms - Anhydrous (Na5P3O10) and hexahydrate form (H12Na5O16P3).

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Product Uses


The most common use of STPP is as a food preservative and as a water softener in commercial detergents.

Food Additive

STPP helps with moisture retention, and so it is extensively used to preserve and improve the texture and natural color of meat and fish products.


It protects and prevents meat, poultry, or fish from becoming greasy and breaking during high temperatures.


The detergent industry and other industries producing bathroom and kitchen cleaners use STPP as a component to improve the effectiveness. It helps detergents to penetrate fibers efficiently, aids foaming, and its pH buffering ability makes it a highly efficient water softener.

Other uses

STPP is also used as a sequestrant for alkaline metals, pulp, and paper production, tartar control agent, corrosion control, lead control, leather tanning agent, and whitening agent.

Chemical Physical COMPONENT

Colour White
Appearance Free flowing , non-lumpy , smooth, and free from visible impurities and grits.
Chemical Component
P2O5 content 55.8
Cobalt Content 5
Chromium Content 5
Nickel Content 5
Bulk Density 900
Whiteness level 84
Sodium Tripolyphosphate content 94
Temperature Rise Test (TRT) 13.5
Phase ( Form)1 in % 28
PSD -Range 1>500 Nil
PSD -Range 2>150 15
PSD- Range 3>75 39
CU/Iron, mg/kg 0.01
Ph (1.0% in distilled water @ 25 oC) % 9.8
Water insoluble, % 0.08